Our Constitution


The constitution of the Foundation Anthropos was signed on the 6th November, 2009 in Yverdon by the council’s members. Since the January 6th, the constitution is listed in the Swiss register of commerce.

The aim of the Foundation is defined as follows:

La fondation a pour but de soutenir et aider les personnes défavorisées en Suisse et à l’étranger en restant fidèles aux principes et valeurs défendues par feu le docteur Nicolas Peloponissios, initiateur du projet.

A cette fin, la fondation:

  • soutient, aux moyens notamment de microcrédits ou de dons, l’élaboration, puis la réalisation de projets dans les domaines sanitaire, éducatif ou social;
  • dirige ou conduit elle-même des projets dans les domaines cidessus.

English translation:

The Foundation is aimed at supporting and helping disadvantaged people in Switzerland and abroad and this, in line with the guiding values of the Foundation’s founder doctor Nicolas Peloponissios.

Thus the Foundation :

  • Supports through micro-credits or donations projects in several social areas as health or education
  • Plans and leads projects in the areas defined above

For further information regarding the aims and the organisational structure of the foundation please refer to the constitution.